بإمكانك الآن تحقيق أرباح عند ترويجك لكورسات كورس سيت .. للمزيد

جميع المشاركات من قبلMaimoona Kausar

Over the past ten years, I have dedicated myself to software development, mastering everything from the basics to complex architecture. I find the field endlessly fascinating, like a playground with endless opportunities for learning.My expertise spans Java, Kotlin, Spring, Android, and more. While I specialize in backend development, I believe there is always more to discover in IT.I have had the privilege of contributing to open-source projects like OpenSRP, OpenMRS, and Google FHIR SDK, particularly in the realm of health tech. It's deeply rewarding to know our work can impact lives.Navigating the tech world as a female leader has been a unique journey, and I hope to inspire others to join this exciting field. Let's keep the tech vibes alive and make a difference